When is the best time to book flights to Europe from Australia?

Whether you're looking to island hop in the Mediterranean, spot celebrities on the French Riviera, experience skiing in the Alps or browse through Christmas markets in Germany, we've got you covered.

No matter when or where you want to go, we've found the best times to book flights to Europe from Australia and the deals that will help you save.

Best time to book flights to Europe from Australia

For travel during the European summer (June to August), early bird sales start as early as October and November, but we find some of the cheapest fares are available in January and February.

For European winter (December to February) book flights from March to May.

Why should I go then?

If you're off to Europe in the summer, airlines usually release their early bird specials during October and November. Keep in mind that peak summer dates in July and August may be blacked out, but June and September should have similar weather in most places.

If you're looking to experience the European winter, airlines usually have early bird sales from March to May to attract travellers after the peak summer season. Aside from over Christmas and New Year, flights are generally much cheaper in winter than in summer.

Latest Europe flight deals



Rome flights from $2099 return



London flights from $2049 return



Europe flights from US$1,662 return

Up to 50% off worldwide flights


When booking flights to Europe you really want to do your research. Booking ahead will help to ensure you get the cheapest and best possible airfares, comparing a range of websites is going to help you get the best deal and, although it might not be the most glamorous option, booking flights that have stopovers is always going to help lower the fare.

Weather and prices

The best time to visit Europe in summer weatherwise: If you're looking to travel to summer locations, anytime from July to August is ideal.

The cheapest time to visit Europe for during summer: Travelling towards the end of summer, such as around late August, is going to mean cheaper deals.

The best time to visit Europe in winter weatherwise: If you want to have a white Christmas or get in some skiing/boarding at some of the world's best resorts, travelling from December to February is best.

The cheapest time to visit Europe during winter: For the winter months, travelling from early November to mid December or late January to February is best as you'll avoid the peak season, but still experience snow.

The best time to visit Europe's...

Summer hotspots:

Winter hotspots: