Every game you can play on a Tesla: From Asteroids to Sonic

Tesla vehicles can come with up to 21 different video games you can play right on the dash. Here's the full list available in 2022.

Watch the video below to see our favourite picks or read on for the full list of games.


In 2018, Tesla kicked off their venture into in-car gaming with TeslAtari, a showcase of old-school arcade games from the granddaddies of gaming at Atari. Most of these games are simple affairs compared to the more modern titles available, but they certainly offer an entertaining history lesson. You can even play these with your steering wheel if you're game!

Table games and puzzles

There's something beautifully ironic about using a futuristic vehicle to play some of the world's oldest table games. With titles like Backgammon and Sudoku even the most game-averse passengers will have something to play while you're waiting for a charge.

Modern titles

With an operating system powered by the equivalent of an entire gaming PC, many Teslas can potentially play anything your PlayStation 4 could. Tesla themselves have even teased the ability to play graphically intensive games like The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk.

Right now many of their vehicles have limited on board memory to dedicate to gaming so the available titles are smaller indie games or mobile ports, but that doesn't make them any less fun!

To see which games we think are the best to play on Tesla, check out this video, and subscribe to Tech Finder on YouTube for more video tech reviews.

We've trimmed some parts of this article for speed. See the full version.

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