Is the Humane AI pin your next phone, or a “jumped-up brooch”? [VIDEO]

Will an app-free laser projecting wearable curb our smartphone addiction?

The most-discussed gadget in tech right now is the Humane "AI pin", a wearable which aims to replace your mobile phone by using a combination of AI smarts, gesture controls and a laser ink system that projects text and images onto your hand.

Orders for Humane opened in the US last week. Prices start at US$699 (around $1,100), and then you have to pay a monthly fee for phone service and to access the service's AI "smarts".

That's expensive, but still cheaper than this year's new iPhone models.

Yesterday, I popped up on 10's The Project in a story about how Humane works, and some of the concerns it raises. The voiceover cheekily describes it as a "jumped-up brooch", which I can somewhat endorse.

Humane hasn't announced any Australian launch plans yet.

Evidence suggests quite a few of us would sign up if it did go on sale here.

15% of Australians regularly use AI-generated content from tools such as ChatGPT to simplify their lives, Finder research found earlier this year.

And with 43% of us planning to buy electronics or gadgets during this year's Black Friday sales, we don't mind sampling new tech.

One aspect of the service which doesn't get highlighted in the video is that, like any AI-driven system, Humane is prone to "hallucinations" - generating entirely made-up material but confidently presenting it as factual.

Given you can't easily check the footnotes by laser projecting onto your hands, that's definitely a concern.

Can't hang around waiting for Humane to launch in Australia? Compare mobile phones to choose your next handset, or start saving money with a cheaper mobile plan.

Image: Supplied: The Project