What not to pack in carry-on luggage [Video]

If you have packed a pair of shoes, you are doing it wrong.

Confession: I have become dangerously addicted to purchasing stupidly cheap flights from Tigerair for impromptu weekend breaks. That became even more appealing after the credit card fees went down. And because I'm a committed cheapskate, I don't want to pay the stupidly high fees for checked baggage. One 7kg bag is all I need.

Making that happen isn't just a matter of what you pack, but what you don't. In the video below, I highlight five items that no committed light luggage devotee should ever allow into their carry-on bag. And yes, I really do judge people who are stupid enough to pack aerosols. Who needs that hassle in the security queue?

Angus Kidman's Findings column looks at new developments and research that help you save money, make wise decisions and enjoy your life more. It appears Monday through Friday on

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