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Where to watch Cool Runnings online in Australia

A Jamaican bobsleigh team fights the odds to compete in the Winter Olympics. Here's where to watch Cool Runnings online in Australia.

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Cool Runnings
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Cool Runnings

Year released



Family, comedy, biographical, sport




Based on a true story, this is the comedic saga of four Jamaican athletes going to extremes to compete as bobsled racers at the Winter Olympics. With few resources and virtually no clue about winter sports, it's an uphill course for this troupe from the tropics who are sliding on thin ice as they go for the gold in Calgary, Canada. Refusing to let anything stand in their way, these four Jamaicans enlist the help of a down-and-out ex-champion American slider named Irv. Unavoidably drawn back to a sport he had come to loathe, Irv is faced with coaching a team of complete novices. But once committed, he is determined to turn them around and to somehow right the wrongs of his own failed career. It's a bumpy ride but with pride, determination and dignity, the bobsledders make their impossible dreams come true.



Cast and crew

  • John Candy
  • Leon
  • Doug E. Doug
After a sprinter is disqualified from the Olympic Games, he finds another way to take part in the competition: he decides to start the first Jamaican bobsled team with the help of a dishonoured coach.

Numerous setbacks and near disasters follow, but the group might finally get to see their dream of competing in the Olympics come true.

Inspiring and optimistic, Cool Runnings is a fun movie filled with laugh-out-loud moments and charming performances. If you can't help rooting for the underdogs, it will be right up your alley.




$13.99 $13.99


Is Cool Runnings on Netflix?

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