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How Australia’s favourite travel destinations have changed



We're a lot less about London and more about Langsa.

Australia is a painfully long way from everywhere else, so it's not surprising that when we plan a holiday, it's generally a domestic affair rather than an international sojourn. Just 10.6% of Australians expect to take their next holiday overseas, according to Roy Morgan Research. That figure is, however, up on a decade ago, when the number was just 6.0%.

It's interesting to look at how our tastes have changed over that period. In the table below, you can see the 10 most popular destinations for Australians, and the percentage of travellers planning an overseas trip who expect to go there for their next holiday.

Intended destinationJune 2006June 2016Change
New Zealand19.5%18.0%-1.5%

The only two countries on this list I haven't visited myself are Fiji and Indonesia, which statistically makes me something of a weirdo. Indonesia is the big gainer here, up 4.5% over the decade. And England (the country on this list I've visited the most, as it happens) is the big loser, down 6.6% over the decade. A decade ago, it was the most popular choice; now that slot has been taken by the USA. Viva Las Vegas, it seems.

All sorts of factors will influence those numbers, from fears of terrorism to currency changes that make particular destinations more attractive. One evident trend is that we're choosing to go to a wider range of places than ever before, rather than simply heading for traditional destinations. There are 58 different international airlines operating in Australia. That's a lot of different cities to choose between.

I'll still be bucking the trend, because at this stage I imagine my next overseas holiday will be to England. Weirdo habits die hard.

Angus Kidman's Findings column looks at new developments and research that help you save money, make wise decisions and enjoy your life more. It appears Monday through Friday on

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