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Where to watch Borat online in Australia

A Kazakhstani travels to the US to make a documentary and learns it is similar to his own country in many ways. Here's where to watch Borat online.

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Kazakhstani journalist Borat Sagdiyev travels to America to make a documentary. As he zigzags across the nation, Borat meets real people in real situations with hysterical consequences. His backwards behaviour generates strong reactions around him exposing prejudices and hypocrisies in American culture.

Cast and crew

  • Sacha Baron Cohen
  • Ken Davitian
  • Luenell
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan chronicles the outrageous situations that occur when Borat, a popular reporter from Kazakhstan, goes to the United States.

His purpose? To film a documentary on what makes America a great nation. Along the way, he manages to offend just about everyone, fall in love with actress Pamela Anderson and set forth on a cross-country journey to make her his wife.

The movie is crude and politically incorrect, which also makes it laugh-out-loud funny – as long as you're into that kind of thing. It's also an interesting sociological experiment, showing how US folk respond to an outrageous man like Borat. Once you're done, you might want to check out Borat 2 as well.




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