Skyscanner promo codes for February 2025 | Flights from $69 each way

Get the best price on your next flight with the latest deals from Skyscanner.


Last-minute flights to Bali from $181

Find the cheapest last-minute flights to Bali at Skyscanner starting at just $181. T&Cs apply.

Cheap hotel deals up to 35% off

Available for booking on select dates and locations. Sample destinations are London, Tokyo, Bangkok, and more. T&Cs apply.

Cheapest flights refreshed every 5 to 7 days

Available for travel on select dates and locations. Sample destinations are Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and more. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to Port Moresby Airport from $255

Fly direct from Australia starting at $255 with Air Niugini, Virgin Australia and Qantas, or hop on a connecting route with Philippine Airlines. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to Solomon Islands from $381

Get the cheapest flights to Solomon Islands starting at $381. T&Cs apply.

Flights to Fiji from $201

Get the cheapest flights to Fiji starting from just $201 at Skyscanner. T&Cs apply.

Cheap flights to Timor-Leste from $579

Get the cheapest flights from Australia to Dili, Timor-Leste, starting at $579 per passenger at Skyscanner. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to Vanuatu from $309

Fly to 26 different places in Vanuatu from Australia starting from just $309. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to Noumea from $344

Discover the best deals on one-way and round-trip Noumea flights on Skyscanner, starting at just $344. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to New Zealand from $182

Book your tickets today and experience the stunning scenery, vibrant cities, and friendly people of New Zealand. T&Cs apply.

How did we pick these deals?

Our shopping experts compare thousands of deals, giving you the best offers available today.

Real coupons, chosen by real experts

  • Our dedicated shopping team searches for the best deals every week
  • We don't use AI or third-party organisations - all coupons are sourced in house
  • We only share deals that are actually useful with a focus on big discounts
  • Where possible, we'll road test the deals from and only display working discount codes.
  • Our deals database is updated daily to ensure you always get the best offers

Last-minute flights to Bali from $181

Find the cheapest last-minute flights to Bali at Skyscanner starting at just $181. T&Cs apply.

Cheap hotel deals up to 35% off

Available for booking on select dates and locations. Sample destinations are London, Tokyo, Bangkok, and more. T&Cs apply.

Cheapest flights refreshed every 5 to 7 days

Available for travel on select dates and locations. Sample destinations are Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and more. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to Port Moresby Airport from $255

Fly direct from Australia starting at $255 with Air Niugini, Virgin Australia and Qantas, or hop on a connecting route with Philippine Airlines. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to Solomon Islands from $381

Get the cheapest flights to Solomon Islands starting at $381. T&Cs apply.

Flights to Fiji from $201

Get the cheapest flights to Fiji starting from just $201 at Skyscanner. T&Cs apply.

Cheap flights to Timor-Leste from $579

Get the cheapest flights from Australia to Dili, Timor-Leste, starting at $579 per passenger at Skyscanner. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to Vanuatu from $309

Fly to 26 different places in Vanuatu from Australia starting from just $309. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to Noumea from $344

Discover the best deals on one-way and round-trip Noumea flights on Skyscanner, starting at just $344. T&Cs apply.

Cheap Flights to New Zealand from $182

Book your tickets today and experience the stunning scenery, vibrant cities, and friendly people of New Zealand. T&Cs apply.

Sydney car hires from $50

Available on select rental dates in 2023 with Europcar, Thrifty, Hertz, Avis, Budget and more.

Melbourne car hires from $50

Available on select rental dates in 2023 with Europcar, Sixt, Hertz, Avis, Budget, DriveNow and more.

Perth car hires from $62

Available on select rental dates in 2023 with Europcar, Thrifty, Budget and more. Destinations include Fremantle, Busselton and more.

Auckland car hires from $71

Available on select rental dates in 2023 with Avis, Budget, Europcar, Sixt and more.

Gold Coast car hires from $51

Available on select rental dates in 2023 with Avis, Budget, Sixt, Europcar and more. Destinations include Brisbane, Toowoomba, Lamington National Park and more.

Skyscanner searches for every flight available from airlines and online travel agencies to ensure you get the best possible price on your next trip.

Need a car or hotel? It checks for those too.

Looking to go elsewhere? Want to book car hire instead? Search and compare now.

Why you should use Skyscanner's promo codes and deals

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Alex Keshen was the global travel publisher at Finder and has been living, breathing and, of course, writing about all things travel for more than 10 years. She has a Bachelor of Journalism from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada and has appeared in Travel Weekly and the Huffington Post. See full bio

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