Trending Boxing Day deals
Boxing Day is a time when retailers offer huge discounts for shoppers looking to grab a bargain post-Christmas. But it's easy to fall into a sales trap. Some retailers see Boxing Day as an opportunity to cash in on shoppers who don’t do their research and turn up to the sales grabbing at anything with a discounted price.
That's where we come in. We've got all the best shopping spots around Melbourne that offer a huge variety of different stores, so that you can shop around and find deals that are worth your Christmas cash.
Boxing Day deals and coupons
40% off watches and more
Enjoy huge savings on bags, accessories, watches and more at Fossil. Hurry while stocks last. T&Cs apply.
Up to 90% off electronics
Save up to 90% on select speakers, headphones, keyboards, dashcams, smartwatches and other electronics at Temu. While stocks last. T&Cs apply.
Vet Supply
Extra 15% On Royal Canin
Get extra 15% off Royal Canin For Puppy and Kitten Food. Limited time offer. T&Cs apply.